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Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Army |
System Technologies: | |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1997-06-14 |
Sophisticated weather modeling capability is needed to manage launch activities at Kennedy Space Center. This system, part of the Integrated Research and Evaluation System (IRES), uses meteorological models that are read from databases and produce model runs for display in various graphical and tabular formats. The software was developed in Ada 83 running on SunOS. It uses a layered functional approach to maximize reuse, each layer embodying a certain system capability. This allows several models and displays to share the same code, reducing maintenance and new development time. The application is being ported to Ada 95 from Ada 83, with new features being designed using an object-oriented approach, specifically Object Modeling Technique (OMT). The resulting OO design will be implemented in Ada 95. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Software Function: | Management Information System Scientific Data Processing |
System Technologies: | Graphics/Animation/Image Processing |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations |
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X |
Target Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04, Verdix Ada 83/ProAda,TeleSoft |
Tools Used: | SunOS, X-Windows, Motif, Oracle, UNIRAS ag/X |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management DBMS Development Environment Lower CASE Upper CASE |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 4595 Predicted: 10000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 50% Other: 50% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 0% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 80% Internally developed reusable packages: 20% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Code/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Other |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-17 |
Lessons Learned:Early Adopter program, working with EDS. The staff is highly skilled in Ada 83 and has received training in Ada 95 and OO. This "next build" pilot project will add three new models and several new displays to the system. It also interfaces with several COTS products, including X-Windows, Motif, Oracle, UNIRAS ag/X Toolmaster graphics support system, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) graphics package for coastal and geopolitical boundaries. Appropriate Ada bindings are being used based upon availability. The project is being conducted in Melbourne, Florida under the auspices of the 45th Air Weather Squadron at Patrick AFB. Contact there is Lt. Joe Del Campo, (407) 494-5352. Reuse is a basic part of the system. Ada 95 features: tagged types, extensions, private child packages,stream I/O, unbounded string, controlled types. |
Not provided. |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | Green Hills |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-18 |
This is an Ada 95 compiler system being developed to use the Architecture Neutral Distribution Format (ANDF) as an intermediate program representation form. The main difference between ANDF and conventional intermediate program forms is that ANDF represents an abstraction of the high-level language while the others typically represent an abstraction of the target architecture. One of the advantages of using ANDF is that high quality final code generators already exist for a number of popular platforms. That gives a potential for bringing Ada 95 rapidly to these platforms. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | Client/Server High Reliability/Dependability Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations |
Host Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 HP-UX SunOS 4.X Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 95/NT Proprietary/Other |
Target Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 HP-UX SunOS 4.X Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 95/NT Proprietary/Other |
Accumentor/Orbix includes all the functionality presented in the CORBA 2.0 specification, including IDL compiler, dynamic invocation interface, and InterORB interoperability. Orbix supports numerous extensions to CORBA, to better enable the design and construction of advanced CORBA-based applications. Orbix for Windows provides a gateway between Microsoft's OLE 2.0 and CORBA via a specially enhanced IDL compiler that generates a complete program that acts as an OLE Automation Server. Orbix supports major platforms using multiple programming languages, including Ada 95, C++, Java, and Smalltalk. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | IDL |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-15 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. |
This white paper describes a new language mapping for Ada-based Design Approach for Real-Time Systems (ADARTS), version 3.0. This mapping shows how to map a software architecture design to Ada 95 constructs. Although the Ada 83 and Ada 95 languages are upwardly compatible, there are significant new features in Ada 95. An ADARTS design includes artifacts such as design class hierarchies and resource monitors that are particularly well-suited to implementation in Ada 95. Taking advantage of language features such as tagged types and protected types allows the designers to create code that traces more directly to the design. Use of these features will improve the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) code. |
Contract Number: | MDA972-92-J-1018 |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | High Reliability/Dependability Real-Time |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.03 |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Structured Design (SD) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Program Design Language/Pseudocode Ada 95 PDL |
The GNAT tasking model is based on a shared memory architecure. The GNAT compiler has been implemented on the Silicon Graphics shared memory machines, but for parallel applications on distributed memory machines, such as the MEIKO CS2, it is necessary to have several Ada programs that cooperate by message passing. Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) has emerged as a popular tool in the development of parallel code so this binding allows Ada 95 functions to implement communications across a network. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-23 |
Lessons Learned:This is not a complete binding. Features were added on demand instead of trying to do everything. It has been tested both on homogeneous networks of Sparcs and the Meiko CS2. Tests were carried out to evaluate the performance of the software. The performance limit is that of the PVM implementation. One factor that is crucial is the efficiency of the stream attributes for array types. Poor attributes can reduce the bandwidth of communications. Tasking is possible within a single Ada program. But the input communications of PVM are potentially blocking and thus a single reader task that manages the communications from elsewhere needs careful design. |
One of DoD's thrusts to reduce the cost of creating, owning, and operating Command and Control (C2) systems is the GCCS block 1 common core services. These software services, in essence, are a library of middleware functions that are common to many C2 systems. The services are implemented as an infrastructure on top of Unix and X-Windows/Motif. This approach permits and encourages reuse of software components and portability of source codes across heterogeneous computer platforms. The services in this library are currently only available to application software that call them as C language services. This constraint makes it costly to port Ada applications, or to develop new applications using the GCCS middleware. To address this problem, Intermetrics and Boeing joined forces to: combine ProtoTech and STARS technology to provide a set of Ada 95 bindings for the GCCS common core services (about 9000 functions in 1000 header files); develop a proof-of-concept demonstration using these bindings by converting a C application that uses the GCCS core services to the Ada 95 language, proving that it operates as it did before the transition; and, collect metrics that will provide insight into the comparative characteristics of an identical application in the C programming language and Ada 95, and providing early identification of issues in moving to Ada 95. Work has begun and progress to date is promising. Boeing installed and began to use the GNU Ada 95 Compiler, and Intermetrics successfully created bindings to the GCCS X-Windows/Motif routines. A test application (SITMAP) was obtained, and will be used to validate the bindings as they are created. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Posix, X-Windows, Motif |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-02 |
Lessons Learned:Update from Mr. Fung said that they have finished the translation and test of the SITMAP program. The translation was done with C2Ada and the interface to GCCS was carried out through the binding. The program executed just fine. Therefore, the feasibility of translation and binding technology has been solidly demonstrated. The GCCS binding was delivered but some functions have not been translated. (8/2/96). |
ADEPT is an implementation of the Distributed Systems Annex for Ada 95. Its advantages include: a graphical Partitioning and Configuration Tool (PCT); the ability to do performance monitoring of the communication subsystems; and, the ability to replicate partitions that meet specific requirements. It also includes a Partitioning Communication System (PCS), originally developed by France Telecom and modified by Texas A&M, designed to support multiple protocols. ADEPT will be renamed Advanced Distributed Engineering and Programming Toolset and will provide Ada/Java interoperability by allowing Java clients to access Ada servers using their respective distributed object models. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04; Gnat 3.05 |
Tools Used: | X-Windows |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-14 |
Lessons Learned:Done in conjunction with CSC, France Telecom, and additional support from NYU and Flodida State University. |
This binding is specifically designed for Ada 95 and Win32, and will not be tied to the underlying C API routines. The user-friendly design will use several Ada 95 features, including errors returned via exceptions; parameters with default values and descriptive names where appropriate; child packages to structure the binding; extensive use of tagged types and inheritance. It is a Windows 95 visual applications builder for the Ada 95 programming language. It features a menu builder and a button bar maker, allows the drawing of a user interface and the simulation of the created GUI, and automatically generates code from the user interface. It is object-oriented, portable, user-friendly, and has comprehensive documentation. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | Janus/Ada95 Prof Dev Sys for Windows 95 |
Tools Used: | Parts of Visual C; own compiler |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-05-15 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. Contract # C96-175926 |
This is an Ada 95 interface to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). It was originally developed as an Ada 9X project and recently converted to the new standard. It makes it easier to create Ada 95 programs that can be invoked by World-wide Web (WWW) HTTP servers using the standard CGI interface. Using it, Ada 95 programs can be created that perform queries or other processing by request from a WWW browser. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-28 |
Lessons Learned:This is a copyrighted item. |
This matrix math package is designed to give a robust tool-set of vector and matrix math routines to the Ada 95 programmer. The groundwork for the package is based on an ISO draft document (ISO/IEC 13813:1996(E)) outlining Ada 95 real and complex array arithmetic. Child packages are built upon this ISO-compliant base to provide additional functionality. |
Contract Number: | DCA100-96-1-0001/0002 |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Scientific Data Processing |
System Technologies: | Tool set |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Lessons Learned:Future goals for this package are: implement eigenvectors/eigenvalues, singular value decomposition, and inverses for complex matrices; and, adapt some of the very robust LAPACK algorithms to the package. Funding provided through two grants from DISA. |
A set of Ada 95 packages that provide consistent unit typing, Measurement Types was born out of the need to define a standard set of Ada types that represent real world systems. Measurement Types is based on units that are measured in practice, not on theoretical physical units. Therefore, angles are a unit of measure, whereas in theoretical unit systems angles don't exist but are ratios of a circle. Unit typing is one of the techniques for solving the strong typing problem. Unit typing allows interfaces to be strongly typed and the inner code to remain strongly typed while reducing or eliminating long conversions associated with strong typing. A variation of non run-time unit typing was implemented on a real-time simulation used for image processing, in Ada 83. While the implementation was successful, several problems prevented its widespread utilization. To try to eliminate the problems in the Ada 83 implementation, an Ada 95 version was constructed. This version greatly reduces the amount of code; greatly reduces the number of "with" statements; eliminates any duplicate code; brings together in one package the instances of measurements; and, hopefully, by distributing Measurement Types, difficulty in understanding its utilization will be reduced by having a large number of solid examples and reusable extensions that reduce engineering workload and decrease project cost. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-26 |
Lessons Learned:This document and accompanying code is being made available for the purpose of establishing a common set of base level packages for Ada 95 programming. The current release should not be redistributed to other ftp/server sites. When this software seems stable and tested, there will be a general release for redistribution. |
For the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Program, a demonstration of the feasibility of using Ada 95 with a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) real-time operating system (OS) was required. To do this, the GNAT was ported to the LynxOS POSIX compliant operating system for the PC. The Simplex Architecture Demonstration Platform was used as the real-time host and target. Ada 95 programs were successfully spawned using POSIX processes/threads with co-existence of C and Ada 95. Changes to the GNAT compiler were required to port to the Lynx OS. They were: data structure translation; padding in structures/records; and variations in in/out parameter conventions. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-20 |
Lessons Learned:This project generated other findings, including the following: tool versions (compilers, assemblers, and linkers) often lag the latest release on mainstream workstations and PCs, leading to a possible catch-up game with bug fixes; if POSIX message queues are used for rendezvous, the Ada 95 Distributed Annex may be needed to map "partitions" to different protocol address spaces on the same processor; and, another POSIX "compliant" COTS operating system was evaluated, but it did not implement threads and was generally unusable for verifying POSIX/RT and Ada 95 interoperability. |
This is a study that evolved from the changes in Ada from Ada 83 to Ada 95. Given the significant changes leading to Ada 95, it became necessary to analyze the language from the perspective of critical systems, to determine Ada 95's appropriateness for these applications, and to provide guidance for its use in Critical Software. The aim of the Ada 95 Trustworthiness Study is to create a roadmap for the use of Ada 95 in critical applications. The main deliverable of the project will be a document advising on how to use Ada 95 for the development of critical applications, and whether certain aspects of Ada 95 should be included of excluded from a program written for a critical application. In the first document a framework is developed within which Ada 95 syntax and semantics can be analyzed, and documents a set of criteria that will form the basis of such an analysis. |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-06 |
Lessons Learned:While this is not a software project, per se, it is an important effort to provide a framework in which critical or trustworthy software may be developed. |
This is the first Ada 95 validated compiler. It generates code for the EWCC, a key component for the U.S. Army's Patriot Missile System, an anti-aircraft system being upgraded to an anti-missile system for protection against low- and medium range missiles. |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | AdaMagic 2.0 |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-27 |
The OSAT program is an avionics flight test demonstration that is also a technology risk reduction program for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF, formerly JAST). The goal is to demonstrate that a real-time avionics application designed with Ada 95 and object-oriented design functions the same as its current Ada 83 non-OO equivalent. The software calculates weapon release ballistics and related cockpit display information. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | Green Hills, GNAT 3.04 |
Tools Used: | Rational Rose, Green Hills' Ada MULTI |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-11 |
Lessons Learned:Contract run through Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake, CA, J. E. Wojciehowski, Code 41140, NAWC-WD, (619) 939-5043. The software is combined with C/C++ in an AV-8B (Harrier) Mission Computer's Operational Flight Program (OFP). Line of code is defined as None-Comment Source Statement (NCSS) that terminates in a semicolon. Didn't use AdaPDL because the Rose tool generates a design/framework which is filled-in with Ada. Software team members have greater than 5 years experience in Ada and C. MDA has developed over a million lines of Ada 83 code over the past 8 years for real-time applications. This includes the OFP for the F-15 Central Computer from which the baseline weapon release software was obtained. This is an Early Adopter program. The distributed and real-time features of Ada 95 are of particular interest. Government POC is Capt. Jules Bartow, (703) 602-7390, |
An Ada 95 binding to the proposed object database standard made up of three constructs: the Object Definition Language (ODL); the Object Manipulation Language (OML); and the Object Query Language (OQL). The approach allows Ada programmers to use a single language to access object-oriented database functionality regardless of vendor. |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Compiler Used: | GNAT Ada 95 |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-16 |
Lessons Learned:From Tri-Ada '95 Conference Proceedings, pp. 18-27. |
This is an interactive development environment (IDE) that works with GNAT (GNU-NYU Ada 95 Translator) under DOS. It includes a newly-developed editor, a set of simple DOS command-line commands, and a fast hypertext Ada 95 Reference Manual. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT Ada 95 |
Tools Used: | Borland Turbo Vision and Borland Editor Toolbox |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-10 |
Lessons Learned:From: Ada Strategies, Vol. 9, no. 9, September 1995, pp. 10-11. Available from in the file: pub/ada/adacaps/ |
The browser uses the Frame feature of Netscape 2.0 to provide a convenient interface to the package specifications contained in the GNAT Ada 95 distribution. Package names are displayed hierarchically. The currently selected package is highlighted in bold-face, and packages with children are flagged with an icon. Package specifications are displayed with embedded hyperlinks to referenced packages. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-05 |
Composers who use the computer as a tool for the total algorithmic synthesis of their compositions are faced with using outdated computer music languages that fly in the face of what is known about good language design and software engineering practice. Moreover, total sound synthesis is very CPU-intensive, and could benefit from exploiting parallel computers. But existing music languages are not well suited for parallel implementation. It is proposed to develop a new music synthesis system. based on Ada 95, that sets out to remedy these deficiencies. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-06 |
This enables users to develop software applications by visually connecting software "parts" written in Ada 95 and C++. The Ada 95 code is automatically generated for connecting software parts, and users are able to add new Ada 95 parts to the VisualAge palette. VisualAge is shipped with the IBM OpenClass Library, which is made up of a large collection of visual and nonvisual parts. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | Unknown |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. This supports mixed-language applications using Ada 95 and C++, enabling government and commercial users to take advantage of the object-oriented (OO) features provided by both. With this upgrade, software applications can now be created using a powerful visual builder. OO applications can be built by assembling and connecting software "parts" contained in the VisualAge palette, and by adding new parts to the available inventory. Application development time is shortened considerably by creating and using reusable parts. Productivity of programmers at all skill levels can be increased with the use of this product. Experienced programmers will enjoy a decrease in development time, and less experienced users can create their own applications without having to learn a new programming language. |
This is a Windows 3.1 based interface program for GNAT Ada 95 program development. AdaIDE is a multi document interface (MDI) program based on the Microsoft example in Visual BASIC 3.0. It has been modified to suit the requirements of an integrated development environment for GNAT Ada 95. AdaIDE version 2.4 is not designed for Windows 95. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT Ada 95 |
Tools Used: | Windows 3.1; Visual BASIC |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-25 |
The FIRST (formerly FMMS) Ada 95 transition focuses on Phase I of the multi-phase, re-engineering of the Air Force's Future Budget System (FBS). The Air Force seeks to modernize all of its budget information systems, covering the entire budget process. FIRST will build upon the business process re-engineering of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS). It will track the chronology and funds management of all Air Force money from initial Presidential budgets through final disbursements to the work centers. It will be deployed in parallel with existing systems for concurrent use. FIRST will re-engineer a series of legacy Management Information Systems (MIS) into a single, comprehensive system. It will include migration from character-based interfaces to GUIs executing in a client-server environment. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Software Function: | Command and Control Financial Intelligence Logistics System Management Information System Training |
System Technologies: | Artificial Intelligence Batch Processing Client/Server Database Expert System Graphics/Animation/Image Processing High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Multi-Media Neural Network Real-Time Security |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X MS DOS MS Windows 3.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Target Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X MS DOS MS Windows 3.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.03 |
Tools Used: | Unix, X-Windows, Relational APEX |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management DBMS Development Environment Documentation/Presentation Production Environment Management Metrics Collection/Analysis Process Management Project Management Requirement Traceability |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 50000 Predicted: 1000000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 80% Other: 20% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 0% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 50% Internally developed reusable packages: 50% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $750000 Overall: $2000000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 45% In-house maintenance: 45% Outsource/contract development: 5% Outsource/contract maintenance: 5% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Design |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) Business Area Modeling (BAM) Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Data Modeling (DM) Event Modeling (EM) Integration Testing Joint Application Development (JAD) Multi-functional Teams (MT) Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Process Modeling (PM) Prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD) Requirement Tracing (RT) Structured Analysis (SA) Structured Design (SD) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Booch Diagram Data Dictionary Entity-Relationship Diagram Gantt Chart Pert/Milestones/CPM Chart Program Design Language/Pseudocode Ada 95 PDL |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1995-06-01 (Started IDEF BPR) System Design: 1996-06-01 (First phase) Implementation Complete: 1997-10-01 (Alpha test complete) Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1997-10-01 (First beta release) Project Complete: 1902-10-01 (Final version. Start of maintenance.) |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-25 |
Lessons Learned:Early Adopter program, working with CACI. Migrating from RS6000s and Unisys 2200s to microcomputers and workstations. Ada95 Features: New standard Ada packages, Pragma Import, tagged and aliased types, access and class attributes, access parameters. |
The AppletMagic compiler allows its users to construct portable applets or applications using the Ada 95 language; the Ada 95 code is translated to Java "bytecodes." Once translated, the Ada 95 Java applets execute in the context of a World Wide Web (WWW) browser that supports Java (e.g., Netscape 2.0x) and are used to enhance WWW pages with animation and other active and interactive features. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | AdaMagic |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. |
A reusable, TAFIM compliant development framework for building Ada 95 applications. It provides data structures, processes, and tools that allow an application programmer to become immediately productive. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Software Function: | Command and Control Management Information System Process Control |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Interactive Processing |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations Minicomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Target Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Compiler Used: | Rational Apex 1.6 |
Tool Types: | Development Environment Metrics Collection/Analysis Project Management |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 14000 Predicted: 30000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% Other: 0% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 10% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 40% Internally developed reusable packages: 50% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $3000000 Overall: $3500000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% In-house maintenance: 0% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Final Delivery/Maintenance |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) Integration Testing Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Other |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1994-01-01 () System Design: 1994-02-01 () Implementation Complete: 1996-09-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1996-09-01 () Project Complete: 1996-09-01 () |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-01 |
Reconfigurable architecture for future Battle Lab simulators of ground vehicles, air vehicles, C4I, and Infantry using plug-and-play hardware and software components to quickly reconfigure simulators, using CORBA interfaces and TACTICS environment. |
Contract Number: | N61339-96-C-0011 |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Avionics Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Intelligence Logistics System Management Information System Simulation Systems Software Training Weapons System |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Graphics/Animation/Image Processing Interactive Processing Real-Time Security |
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Host Operating System: | SunOS 4.X Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 3.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Target Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 3.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Compiler Used: | PowerAda (OC Systems), C++, Orbix |
Tools Used: | StP, Workshop Pro Dev C++, Apex |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Development Environment Documentation/Presentation Production Lower CASE Metrics Collection/Analysis Process Management Project Management Quality Assurance Requirement Traceability Upper CASE |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 50000 Predicted: 200000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 80% Other: 20% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 0% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 100% Internally developed reusable packages: 0% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $10000000 Overall: $50000000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 80% In-house maintenance: 20% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Event Modeling (EM) Integration Testing Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD) Regression Testing (RQT) Requirement Tracing (RT) Structured Analysis (SA) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Data Dictionary Data Flow Diagram Entity-Relationship Diagram Gantt Chart Pert/Milestones/CPM Chart Program Design Language/Pseudocode Ada 83 PDL Ada 95 PDL |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1995-12-01 () System Design: 1996-06-01 () Implementation Complete: 1996-10-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1996-11-01 () Project Complete: 1900-12-01 () |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-29 |
Lessons Learned:Compilation of metrics from three surveys received on the BLRSI. Manager comments: Staff up early with the right people. |
Upgrade of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle to the M2A3/M3A3 configuration. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Army |
System Technologies: | Embedded |
Compiler Used: | Rationale/Verdix |
Tools Used: | Apex/SoDA/TestMate, CCCHarvest, Visio, RTM, AdaMAT, McCabe, MS Project, REVIC, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel |
Tool Types: | Spreadsheet Preparation |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 78000 Predicted: 120000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Software Source: | Internally developed new packages: 100% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 70% Outsource/contract development: 30% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Code/Test |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1997-03-24 |
Lessons Learned:Hiring qualified, experienced Ada programmers is exceedingly difficult. Software process improvement is nearly impossible with immature systems and support organizations and without strong committment from project management. |
This project is an attempt to implement the Standard Template Library (STL), a recent and popular addition to the ANSI C++ standard, in Ada 95. The popularity of STL stems from its combination of an orthogonal design, solid theoretical foundation, and strong emphasis on efficiency. A representative subset of the STL components was ported and implemented, showing the feasibility of translating the component interrelations from the C++ model to the Ada 95 model. It is planned that the full implementation will be accomplished in 1996. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-21 |
Lessons Learned:The additional support for access types and generic formal package parameters has made Ada 95 as capable as C++, while maintaining the safety of traditional Ada. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Avionics |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
Milestones: | System Design: (dfg) |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1997-07-04 |
Payload Computer Unit of the RadarSat will control payload subsystems, store information, and download it to the ground station in sync with the satellite's orbits. RadarSat will penetrate thick cloud cover and darkness to track the earth's climate. The satellite will observe detailed images of growth cycles and monitor moisture and vegetation conditions globally. The powerful Synthetic Aperture Radar will assess and forecast the Earth's environment and natural resources. A consortium of Canadian companies have created RadarSat International, Inc., to market the data. |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-05-22 |
A 10-block set containing approximately 150 objects of support software for use/reuse across many command and control programs. Hosted on and targeted to Unix, HP382, HP RISK, 60486. Completed v.1.1 Jan. '94; completed v.2.0 Dec. '94 and v.3.0 Dec. '95. Added an upward compatibility component from Ada 83 to Ada 95, Jan.'95 to July'95. |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | Alsys, GNAT 2.05 |
Tools Used: | Alsys, Rational, Re-Engineering Mentor |
Survey Date: | 1993-09-20 |
Lessons Learned:Reuse is difficult because of management and political barriers, mainly, not technical or legal! This became an Early Adopter project in 1995 for testing the upward compatibility of a program from Ada 83 to Ada 95. |
Includes the course presentation and authoring software for use with AdaSoft's Ada programmer training course, "The Ada Programming Language." The software includes advanced CBT features and is integrated with the resident Ada environment. It will provide Ada 95 training over the Internet. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Training |
Tools Used: | Not specified. |
Survey Date: | 1996-05-22 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P project. |
This is an effort to make GNAT an environment for programming distributed systems. It aims at defining a high level programming language which can be used without considering the details of the underlying platform. It is based upon the extension of Ada 95 in ISO 8652-1995, Annex E. It is very much a work in progress, but with many features implemented, and an initial version operational and being distributed. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | Client/Server High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Lessons Learned:Laurent Nana of ENST an Laurent Pautet of Telecom Paris ( also worked on this project. It has ties to GARLIC (q.v.) and HOOD. |
The Crusader artillery system, including its dedicated resupply vehicle, will be the Army's 21st century self-propelled howitzer and will provide artillery support to the maneuver forces on the future battlefield. It was formerly known as AFAS. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Process Control Simulation Training Weapons System |
System Technologies: | Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X |
Tools Used: | Rational tool suite; SEER-SEM; CITIS |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Complexity Measuring Cost Estimating DBMS Metrics Collection/Analysis Requirement Traceability |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 0 Predicted: 1200000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Software Source: | Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 20% Internally developed new packages: 40% Internally developed reusable packages: 40% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $750000000 Overall: $1500000000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% In-house maintenance: 0% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Data Modeling (DM) Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Process Modeling (PM) Prototyping Requirement Tracing (RT) State Transition Diagram |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Booch Diagram Data Dictionary Data Flow Diagram Ada 95 PDL |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1992-10-01 () System Design: 1996-10-01 () Implementation Complete: 1900-10-01 () Project Complete: 1907-10-01 () |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1996-10-02 |
DACS/ASIS-95 is an implementation of the Ada 95 Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS 95) for the DDC-I Ada 95 Compiler System (DACS-95) front end.It gives programmatic read-only access to semantic Ada 95 information through the compiler-independent ASIS 95 standard. It can be used to build Ada 95 tools including restructuring, browsing and navigation, coding style and standards compliance, data flow and dependency tree analysis, language translation and document generation, quality assessment and test, and safety and security compliance tools. DACS-Qualified is an Ada 95 test coverage environment based on ASIS 95 that supports automatic test generation for structured analysis (condition and decision coverage), non-intrusive verification, and support for embedded testing. It is useful for unit and component testing, among others. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | DDC-I |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. These products greatly expand and strengthen the base of Ada 95 products on the market today, allowing developers to take advantage of the powerful features of Ada 95. DACS/ASIS-95 makes possible the development of sophisticated Ada 95 products, based on access to semantic Ada 95 information. DACS-Qualified significantly reduces development costs by automating the process of structural testing and. thereby, reducing the amount of resources needed for software verification. This test coverage environment is unique in that it supports embedded testing of actual, non-instrumented code and automatic test generation for requirements-based coverage testing. |
Four students are working with the Distributed Annex writing a Ray Tracer. DART stands for Distributed Ada Ray Tracer. They got the first image after 2 days of work, reflection after 5 days, and complete texturing/refraction in 7 days. They have started work on distribution with the help of the implementors of the annex on GNAT. They use only GNu tools to develop, integrated under emacs. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.03 |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-05 |
Lessons Learned:As soon as it becomes performant enough, it will be renamed DA(RT)2 for Distributed Ada Real Time Ray Tracer. It has been tested on Linux, Solaris, and DEC Alpha under digital Unix. |
Airfields is one of the first successful Ada 95 technology transfer projects, completed recently on an aggressive schedule. The original system was part of the World Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS). It consisted of some 60 KSLOC, mostly COBOL, running on a mainframe and accessing flat files. It was re-engineered for Ada 95 and targeted for Sun SPARC running Solaris. A GUI was incorporated, as well as bindings to Oracle. Airfields has been incorporated into the Global Command and Control System (GCCS), and provides a wide range of data about domestic and foreign free-world airports. The data are supplied by Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center (DMAAC) and are updated monthly. Extensive new functionality was added in phases, including Aerial Ports and Air Operations Bases File (APORTS) and Country Name Country Code (CNCC) systems. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.01 |
Tools Used: | OIS's Screen Machine, OIS's ODBC binding |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-21 |
Lessons Learned:Early Adopter project. The AJPO assisted by providing training and mentoring for the development team. Airfields reports are provided in several different formats on-line and off-line, including one-page reports, multi-page reports, selective data retrievals, and turnaround reports. Ada 95 features: New standard Ada packages, Pragma import, tagged and aliased types, 'access and 'class attributes, access parameters. The re-engineered application achieved 22% reuse. |
Decaf is a Java class Decompiler written in Ada 95. Version 1.0 provides similar output as the javap program in the Sun JDK distribution. Future versions will allow translation to other languages. Ada 95 translation is under development. It is designed to be very portable, and it should be compiled without any problem on any platform with a recent GNAT compiler. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04 |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-15 |
Lessons Learned:Self-developed and continuing development by Demailly in his spare time. |
A transaction-processing application and data warehouse. Helps DoD hospitals reduce inventories while avoiding costly open-market buys. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Logistics System Management Information System |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Mainframes Workstations |
Tool Types: | DBMS |
This is the author's first Java applet, but it isn't written in the Java language. It is written in Ada 95 and used the first beta version of AppletMagic compiler, which takes Ada 95 and converts it to Java byte codes. The applet is written to do a simple two-dimensional explicit finite difference calculation with fixed (Dirichlet) boundary conditions. The simulation is done sequentially. Using a released version of the compiler, it will run in parallel. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Simulation |
Compiler Used: | Intermetrics AppletMagic (beta) |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-05 |
Lessons Learned:A lot of the ideas/structure for the AWT aspects of this demonstration were adapted from a Life simulation by Tucker Taft of Intermetrics, who in turn based that on a Life simulation written in Java by Joshua Marketos. |
This tool, written in Ada 95, was developed to support interaction design exploration, prior to code development. It compiles to the Java Virtual Machine so that it can be run as a WWW Applet. This is a concept demonstrator, as opposed to a prototype. Its purpose is to help describe a vision of the wide range of possibilities that exist for full-featured tools that might help typical programmers exploit high performance computing concept technology. It is based on the idea that given a particular class of problem, there will be a set of solution approaches that may be applied to solve problems of that class. The role of the tool is to estimate the performance of a particular combination, so that the user can get some idea of how different combinations might compare. Using the Compare and Plot feature, 2-D performance plots can be generated to see the effect of varying either a problem or solution specific parameter. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | GNAT and AppletMagic |
Tools Used: | Java Graph Class |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-30 |
Resolves events across all entities involved in those events. Multiple many-to-many relationships resolved through object arbitration. Dynamic entity creation. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Financial Intelligence Logistics System Simulation |
System Technologies: | Artificial Intelligence High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Neural Network |
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers |
Host Operating System: | IBM OS/2 |
Target Operating System: | IBM OS/2 |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Optima |
Tool Types: | DBMS Project Management |
Definition of SLOC: | None |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% Other: 0% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $550 Overall: $6500 |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Data Modeling (DM) Event Modeling (EM) Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) State Transition Diagram |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Ada 95 PDL Warnier/Orr Diagram Other |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1996-11-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1997-07-01 () |
System Development Standard: | None |
Survey Date: | 1996-10-31 |
Lessons Learned:I am very tempted to go to Java. However, it is still a moving target. |
Wright Laboratory created the Functionality Integrated Resource Manager (FIRM) program to develop an ODBMS that supports real-time avionics applications. Wright Labs wants the ODBMS developed for the FIRM program to have the widest possible application, so it has been a goal of the FIRM team to build its ODBMS to be as complaint as possible with the specification published by the ODMG. Although the ODMG spec does not include a language binding for Ada, the FIRM team was able to use ODMG object model and C++ language binding to design an Ada binding for its ODBMS. |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Compiler Used: | Unknown |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-17 |
Lessons Learned:Presented as a paper at STC in April 1995. |
Development of an object-oriented real-time database management system (ODBMS). The technology focuses on seamless bindings to Ada 95, a distributed object architecture, multi-level security, and a flexible architecture builder for creating/evaluating various prototyped versions of FIRM. |
Contract Number: | F33615-95-C-162 |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Software Function: | Avionics Communications/Telecommunications |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Real-Time Security Data Fusion |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations |
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X |
Target Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 HP-UX Sun Solaris 2.X |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04 |
Tools Used: | Rational Apex |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Development Environment |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% Other: 0% |
Software Source: | Internally developed new packages: 90% Internally developed reusable packages: 10% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $1000000 Overall: $4500000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% In-house maintenance: 0% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Design |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Integration Testing Object Oriented Design (OOD) Prototyping Regression Testing (RQT) Requirement Tracing (RT) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Booch Diagram Gantt Chart Other |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1995-02-01 () System Design: 1996-03-01 () Implementation Complete: 1998-12-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1999-03-01 () Project Complete: 1999-03-01 (Final Report) |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-20 |
Lessons Learned:From "Survey of Ada 95 Projects": Ada 95 is superb for real-time batabase server software. |
This approach uses the recovery block mechanism which has been implemented into an Ada 95 environment and extended to deal with distributed applications. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | Client/Server High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Ada 95 PDL |
Lessons Learned:Laurent Nana of the same organization and Laurent Pautet of Telecom Paris ( also worked on this project. |
This is a computer-controlled HO-scale model of an urban rapid transportation system based loosely on Metrorail, the rapid rail network of Washington, D.C. and its suburbs. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Simulation |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04 |
Tools Used: | Linux OS; Right Track Software |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-25 |
Lessons Learned:From: Proceedings of the 10th Annual ASEET Symposium, pp.69-74. |
Information System for the research center. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language | ||
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry | ||
Software Function: | Management Information System | ||
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database | ||
Host System Hardware: | Workstations | ||
Target System Hardware: | Workstations | ||
Compiler Used: | GNAT | ||
Tools Used: | AMC*Designor, ClearCase, ORACLE, BasicsPlus | ||
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines | ||
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 50000Language break down: | Ada: 50% | Other: 50% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 80% | ||
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Final Delivery/Maintenance | ||
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model | ||
System Development Standard: | None | ||
Survey Date: | 1997-10-03 |
Lessons Learned:Ada has been hard to impose, but it has never failed us! |
This is the tasking runtime system of the Gnu NYU Ada 95 Translator (GNAT). It is divided into two layers, the lower of which isolates dependencies on a particular host operating system or real-time kernel. For portability, the primary implementation of this lower level (GNULL) accesses OS services via the POSIX interfaces. It has recently been undergoing redesign to improve performance and portability. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.03 |
Tools Used: | Solaris |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-26 |
Lessons Learned:From:WAdaS '96 Proceedings - Technical Papers, pp. 34-42. Further performance improvements may be delayed due to lack of funding. |
This is a 2D graphics package being developed as an instructional tool for Computer Graphics courses. When it is fully implemented, it is also expected to be a graphics programming tool. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT Ada 95 |
Tools Used: | MS Windows |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-25 |
Lessons Learned:From: Proceedings of the 10th Annual ASEET Symposium, pp. 115-133. Had to use the C language binding in GNAT Ada 95 to invoke system calls for MS Windows function calls. |
MachTen is a POSIX conformant Unix with a full Internet protocol suite and a software development environment based on GNU. The product includes: GNAT (V. 3.01 or later) for the MacIntosh PowerPC; Target: PowerMac, running MachTen (4.02) or MacOS (7.5.1 or later); GNAT (v. 3.01 or later) for the Macintosh 68020/30/40 (68k); Target: 680x0 running Tenon's MachTen for Unix (2.2); Ada language bindings to the Macintosh Toolbox (API); Example code for using the compiler and toolbox; and installation scripts, system tuning guidelines, user documentation. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-15 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. Other companies involved in this joint venture are Tennon Intersystems ( and Ada Core Technologies. |
This is a subtask under the POSIX/Ada Real-Time (PART) Project (q.v.). The goal of the GNAT/DWARF development was to produce a workable symbolic debugging environment/toolset for GNAT which is suitable for serious use and is based upon DWARF. The activity includes the extension of DWARF to encapsulate all necessary symbol information from Ada 95. More specifically, this involves: modification of the Gnu C compiler (GCC) to support the current standard DWARF 2.0; modification of the Gnu debugger (GDB) to support DWARF 2.0, including support for Ada-style syntax and semantics; extension of DWARF 2.0 to support Ada 95; modification of GNAT to output the extended DWARF information; and, modification of GDB to make use of the DWARF Ada extensions. The result is called DWARF 2.2. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 2.02 |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-19 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP funded by the AJPO through the U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM) Software Engineering Directorate, subcontracted through the Telos Corporation ( to FSU. This portion was subcontracted with Intrepid Technology, Inc. ( to Prof. Paul Hilfinger of the University of California at Berkeley. |
The general goal of this research project is the investigation, formulation, and generation of "Graphical Representations of Algorithms, Structures, and Processes for Ada". It has successfully created and prototyped the Control Structure Diagram (CSD), a new algorithmic level graphical representation for Ada software. The primary impetus to create and refine the CSD is to improve the comprehension efficiency of Ada software, and, as a result, improve reliability and reduce costs. The emphasis is on the automatic generation of the CSD from Ada 95 source code to support design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The CSD has the potential to replace traditional pretty-printed Ada source code. |
Sector Used In: | Non-DoD Agency |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Motif, X-Windows |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-03 |
Lessons Learned:From: CrossTalk, Volume 9, number 1, January 1996, p.20-24, "GRASP/Ada 95: Visualization with Control Structure Diagrams". |
The goal of this study was to survey the technology available for supporting the use of Ada 95 in the high performance computing (HPC) domain, develop an understanding of the benefits and shortcomings of doing so, develop prototype technologies along the way, and report on the results. A more specific goal shared with the sponsors was the development of a measurement capability that would be needed to understand the performance implications of the various technologies investigated. As part of this project, an instrumentation capability for Ada 95 systems was developed that enables gathering and displaying data from all levels of software, from the operating system on up through the application itself. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 2.07; GNAT 3.01 |
Tools Used: | SunSoft TIF/TNF, TnfView |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-07 |
Lessons Learned:Results for DARPA contract DABT63-95-C-0106, Contract Item 0005. In general, we convinced ourselves that Ada 95 can, in fact, be used as an effective tool for exploiting HPC technology. An instrumentation capability is required, but as we demonstrated, this can be adapted from other languages in a relatively straight-forward manner. The most significant requirement here is complete instrumentation of an Ada 95 runtime system. We also learned that dealing with the different backgrounds of people and communities will be a significant challenge to face in getting Ada 95 used in HPC applications. Our preliminary work with reusable components for parallel computing, aimed partly at addressing this people need, looks to offer a promising line of attack. |
Refit to nuclear power station at Hinckley Point England. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | RTAP |
System Technologies: | High Reliability/Dependability Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers |
Compiler Used: | DEC Ada |
Tools Used: | Ada Test |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1997-10-20 |
The project INPRO - Innovative Process Control deals with the development and the application of methods and tools for an innovative process control related to environmental aspects. With respect to an environmental effective processing control, the application of innovative technologies like image processing and machine learning is required. The X-Executive-System integrates such methods under real time conditions. It is designed for distributed execution on workstations and personal computers. The user interface is based on the XM-View-System, a run time kernel for GUIs. The implementation was done in Ada and X Windows/Motif. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Compiler Used: | Ada from Dec, Aonix |
Tools Used: | Dec and MS Tools, ObjectTeam |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 60000 Predicted: 90000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 90% Other: 10% |
Software Source: | Internally developed new packages: 70% Internally developed reusable packages: 30% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 75% Outsource/contract development: 25% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Standard: | Other |
Survey Date: | 1997-01-21 |
Lessons Learned:The C experienced programmers were surprised at how easy it was to extend or modify an existing Ada sytem with new features. They stated, that in C, it would not be possible to develop the same system as fast as with Ada. |
A student at the University of Adelaide has this as a project idea. The development of the Java programming language has allowed people to write secure, object-oriented applets, but at the price of writing them in Java. The development of compilers for other languages that will produce Java byte code will allow people who may not be C++/Java familiar to produce applets from the source code of their own choosing. JADE is proposed as a solution for the Ada 95 domain and is intended to produce Java byte code. The student admits the existence of the Intermetrics compiler that does this, but wants to attempt it himself. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | Graphics/Animation/Image Processing High Reliability/Dependability Security |
An automated message preparation system that provides assistance in the generation of message text formats (MTF). The purpose of the system is to provide users with validation and generation support for MTF messages in order to ensure their quality. Ada 83 upward compatibility testing occurred from December 1994 to February 1995 to achieve Ada 95 compatibility with changes in compiler and host. |
Target System Hardware: | Mainframes Minicomputers |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 2.03 |
Survey Date: | 1992-09-22 |
Lessons Learned:Information supplied by the Navy's Ada Use Database. In 1994, this became the Joint Automated Messaging System, and was an Early Adopter program sponsored by DISA and AJPO. |
Joint U.S Air Force and Army surveillance program with airborne and ground elements distributed within theater of operations to monitor/track "many targets" moving on the battlefield in real-time. Northrop Grumman is the developer for the airborne element, designated the E-8C, and Motorola is the ground element developer. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language | ||||||||||||||||
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency | ||||||||||||||||
Software Function: | Avionics Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Intelligence Process Control Systems Software Training Weapons System | ||||||||||||||||
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Graphics/Animation/Image Processing High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Real-Time Security | ||||||||||||||||
Host System Hardware: | Workstations Minicomputers | ||||||||||||||||
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers | ||||||||||||||||
Host Operating System: | DEC VAX/VMS DEC Alpha OSF/1 Sun Solaris 2.X MS Windows 95/NT | ||||||||||||||||
Target Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 Sun Solaris 2.X MS Windows 95/NT Proprietary/Other | ||||||||||||||||
Compiler Used: | Several | ||||||||||||||||
Tools Used: | Cadre/TW | ||||||||||||||||
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Complexity Measuring Cost Estimating DBMS Development Environment Documentation/Presentation Production Metrics Collection/Analysis Process Management Project Management Quality Assurance Requirement Traceability | ||||||||||||||||
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines | ||||||||||||||||
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 980000 Predicted: 700000 | ||||||||||||||||
Language break down: | Ada: 48% Other: 52% | ||||||||||||||||
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 5% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 10% Internally developed new packages: 65% Internally developed reusable packages: 20% | ||||||||||||||||
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $2100000000Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 1% | In-house maintenance: 14% Outsource/contract development: 60% Outsource/contract maintenance: 25% Project Life-Cycle Status: | Final Delivery/Maintenance | Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model | System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) | Event Modeling (EM) Joint Application Development (JAD) Multi-functional Teams (MT) Process Modeling (PM) Prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD) Regression Testing (RQT) Requirement Tracing (RT) State Transition Diagram Analysis & Design Methods: | Data Dictionary | Data Flow Diagram Flow Chart Gantt Chart Pert/Milestones/CPM Chart Program Design Language/Pseudocode Other Languages PDL Milestones: | Project Start: 1988-01-01 (Early radar/airborne work) | System Design: 1989-01-01 (Desert Storm prototype) Implementation Complete: 1996-01-01 (P1 to P3 baselined) Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1996-06-01 (via Warner-Robins AFB, GA) Project Complete: (radar/workstation technology work) System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A | Survey Date: | 1996-09-27 | |
Lessons Learned:LTC George Sherman is the Project Manager. The project has over 500 people with an average of 5-15 years of experience. The airborne element is about 15% Ada and 85% other languages. The ground element is 80% Ada and 20% other languages. The ISO90000 certification and contractor CMM maturity level is for the Motorola ground element. |
The part of the system we are developing is a Network Management System for UHF satellite communication. The application server part is written in Ada95 and will run under Solaris. Clients are currently X-Motif based but eventually will be NT hosted using JAVA. Data is stored in an Oracle databse on the server. CORBA os ised to simplify the interfacing of different languages (C++, Ada95, JAVA) and different hosts (Suns, PCs). The design is being done following OMT. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications Planning |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Interactive Processing Security OMT, CORBA |
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Compiler Used: | Aonix ObjectAda |
Tools Used: | Aonix STP/OO, RTM, Builder Xcessory, Rogue Wave |
Tool Types: | DBMS Development Environment Requirement Traceability Upper CASE |
Definition of SLOC: | Terminal semicolons |
Language break down: | Ada: 50% Other: 50% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 10% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 10% Internally developed new packages: 80% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Design |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1997-12-31 |
Lessons Learned:Lessons: 1.CORBA & ObjectAda are not yet compatible; 2.STP/OO has bugs when generating IDL from class tables; 3.Let the application's object model drive the system; 4.Prototype interfaces early on. COMMENTS: We are still in the first design phase working toward our first incremental build. Because of the incompatiblility of ObjectAda and CORBA, we are forced to use GNAT to re-compile our Ada95 packages (GNAT and CORBA are currently compatible). Aonix has signed an agreement with IONA (CORBA vendor) and one of these days, we can use one Ada95 compiler. |
Many programs have a direct-manipulation user interface involving boxes connected by lines. Facilities are provided to place and move the boxes, and to connect them with lines. As boxes are moved, so the lines should stretch and shift to keep them connected. Recent examples implemented include: a finite state transducer/state diagram; a Turing machine simulator/state diagram; a program structure diagram editor; and, a signal flow editor for a digital waveform generator. Other obvious possibilities include editors for: data flow diagrams; Bachmann diagrams; entity-relationship diagrams; database occurrence diagrams; linked data structure diagrams; and entity life history diagrams. The proposal is to design and implement a library of reusable Ada modules that would provide much of the infrastructure for such programs. The project should demonstrate the utility of the library by using it to prototype a simple program structure diagram editor, which is then used to help document the library itself. A previous project implemented such a library in Object Pascal using the THINK compiler on the Macintosh. It is proposed to design and implement a similar, portable library in Ada 95 and prove it on several platforms available with the Department. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | X documentation for the graphics. |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-06 |
Training real-time simulation system of the Longbow Apache helicopter. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Software Function: | Avionics Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Simulation Training Weapons System |
System Technologies: | Graphics/Animation/Image Processing High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes |
Target System Hardware: | Mainframes |
Host Operating System: | SGI Irix |
Target Operating System: | SGI Irix |
Compiler Used: | GNAT Ada 95 |
Tools Used: | SGI |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Project Management |
Definition of SLOC: | All lines (includes commented lines) |
Language break down: | Ada: 80% Other: 20% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 5% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 35% Internally developed reusable packages: 60% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 90% In-house maintenance: 10% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Code/Test |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) Prototyping |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Flow Chart |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1995-01-01 () Implementation Complete: 1997-03-01 () Project Complete: 1997-07-01 () |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-01 |
Lessons Learned:We are using a GNAT Ada 95 compiler on Ada 83 new and reused code. On of the largest obstacles to overcome has been lack of a mature GNAT compiler and using it on Ada 83 code. |
These bindings for the standard on multiplex serial data bus applications are offered as thick and thin. The thick bindings were developed to provide a class library of data structures, operators, and objects to implement hardware/bus utilization, bus control, remote terminal and bus monitor operations. Thin bindings are also available that provide a low-level interface to a particular manufacturer's MIL-STD-1553B hardware. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | Unknown |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. These bindings for Ada 95 allow for an easy transition of existing applications to Ada 95 and a greater potential for software reuse among all MIL-STD-1553B applications. The use of a standard interface reduces costs and time investments associated with training developers in the creation and use of 1553B applications. |
The European Space Agency uses Hard Real-Time HOOD as its design methodology. There have been methods to translate designs more or less directly into Ada, but have tended to obscure the design. This uses the subroutine renaming feature and the child library feature of Ada 95 to improve the mapping. |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-12 |
Lessons Learned:From Ada-Europe Conference 1996 |
The PRS is used to extract data messages from the Digital Data Bus within the Tactical Air Operations Module (TAOM) of the Air Command & Control Systems (AC&CS), Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity (MCTSSA). The current system resides on a 286 PC connected to its own TAOM Bus Interface Controller (BIC) and writes to a 9-track tape drive. The BIC is a modified proprietary card that is expensive and not easily acquired. The 9-track tape drives are fragile and unreliable. The software is written in four different languages, posing reliability and maintainability problems. The whole system requires transport of an entire shelter housing the proprietary hardware to the field for exercises. This project proposes to rehost the systems to a Sun SPARC 20 workstation. Messages will be received via fiber optic cable rather than BIC and recorded on an 8mm tape drive. The software will be re-engineered and implemented in Ada 95 to alleviate reliability and maintainability issues. A secondary goal is to rehost and enhance data-reduction and analysis software to the extent feasible within schedule and budget constraints. This project was successfully completed in June 1996. |
Sector Used In: | Marine Corps |
Software Function: | Command and Control |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.03 |
Tools Used: | Ada Assured: Browser, Smart Editor, Style Enforcer |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-17 |
Lessons Learned:Early Adopter program working with CACI. Government POC is Jim Bachrach, (619) 725-2150. Ada 95 features: Real-time (protected Types) Interface to C, new I/O features. Successfully field tested at White Sands, two months ahead of schedule. This project successfully introduced Ada 95 development to the USMC. No difficult problems were encountered in interfacing the new Ada 95 system with existing hardware and software. The GNAT compiler and other tools performed as expected. Support for X-based GUI development is scarce but should improve soon. The TAOM development team performed well and had little difficulty adjusting to Ada 95 development. |
The MMRT project involves the re-engineering and enhancement of a real-time embedded communications and signal processing system. The existing system, the Miniature Receive Terminal (MRT), is written in Ada 83 and assembly language. The MRT has three components/processors: An Executive Process (EP) which runs on a 186 processor and is programmed in Ada 83; A signal Processing (SP) component which runs on a bit-slice processor and is programmed in assembly language, and a Transfer Module/Crypto (TM/C) unit which runs on a 186 processor and is programmed in Ada 83. The new MMRT will consist of five components: An EP running on a 186 processor. (1.) The EP software may be re-engineered into Ada 95 if a cross compiler for the 186 is available. The EP code may also be changed to reduce the load on the EP processor, transferring some functionality to the new Interface Processor (IP). (2.) The SP software will be re-engineered in Ada 95 and ported to a SMJ320 C40 chip DSP. (3.) The TM/C will continue to be hosted on a 186 processor. Some minor changes in functionality may be implemented and the TM/C code may be re-engineered into Ada 95 if a cross compiler for the 186 is available. (4.) An Interface Processor (IP) hosted on a SMJ320 C40 chip DSP which will implement a 1553-based interface. The IP software will be implemented in Ada 95. (5.) A user interface targeting Windows NT. The interface will be hosted on a laptop computer with the system over the 1553 bus. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications |
Many problems are not capable of optimal algorithmic solution. However, good solutions can often be found by genetic methods: the characteristics of a solution are defined in terms of a number of adjustable parameters, or genes; the system then applies random variation and recombination to these genes, and presents the results as new candidate solutions; the user, or a formula defined by the user, ranks the quality of these candidates, and the best act as parents for the next generation of mutants. In this way, it is often possible to converge on a much better solution than the original, using just the principles of mutation and natural selection. A project some years ago investigated the application of this approach to devising "patches" for FM synthesizers. It is now proposed to develop a library of components to simplify the construction of such systems, using the Ada 95 language. A successful outcome could be proven by using it to build two dissimilar mutation programs. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-06 |
Precise analytic instrument design and manufacturer was experiencing unacceptable increases in development costs, code complexity, persistent bugs, and growth in code size in their redesign of the software to control a nuclear magnetic resistance spectrometer . The company switched first to Ada 83, and now, to Ada 95. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | ProDev Ada 95 |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-17 |
Lessons Learned:Expanded the capabilities of the product. Increased the number of instruments. Included interactive collaboration, simultaneous multiple human languages, and can make much better use of the distributed resources on a customers network. Developer/programmer productivity improved. Error free code development and early bug-catching, fast turnaround time, and fewer customer complaints. |
This is being developed for use by the Joint Maritime Command Information System (JMCIS) and Global Command and Control System (GCCS). A collection of online software utilities designed to facilitate centralized approval and dispersion of JMCIS/GCCS applications, the SSAS allows JMCIS/GCCS developers and administrators to perform automated integration of software, monitor the integration process, and communicate electronically. It provides capabilities to automatically receive and process electronic submission and registration of software applications and program segments. Users can create and archive workstation and system variants. The tool will maintain an on-line library of available applications, variants, documents, and tools. It will also perform automated standards verification and test tracking, and perform application-dependency analysis. |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04 |
Tools Used: | BX/Ada 3.1, X/Xt/Motif binding |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-17 |
Lessons Learned:Early Adopter program, working with EDS. Project is being conducted by the Naval Command and Control Ocean Surveillance Center (NCCOSC), Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Division (NRaD) in San Diego. Government POC is Mr. Jack Chandler (619) 553-6540, THE SSAS has a web site at Ada 95 features: Tagged types, Extensions, Pragma import, Pragma Export, Pragma interface. |
The Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, is adopting Ada 95 as their main language to teach principles of programming and information system management. Because of the advanced level of the curriculum, the approach here will differ from other academic Ada 95 implementations. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Training |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04, Academic Ada 1.0 |
Tools Used: | Not specified. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-21 |
Lessons Learned:This is an Early Adopter project. The AJPO will be assisting in the creation of appropriate graduate-level courseware by providing training and the Academic Ada textbook/compiler, as well as expert mentor ship in curriculum development. |
Microsoft OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) provides a powerful toolset to the Microsoft WindowsNT/95 developer. This project developed and OLE Automation Controller in Ada 95 as part of Funds Management Modernization System (FMMS). The FMMS was expected to provide a GUI on Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 to support the customer needs. Distributed client/server support was provided by using CORBA. The initial application clients were developed using Microsoft Visual Basic., but continued use of Visual Basic would not provide a capability to readily move any objects to the client. To prove that Ada 95 could be used on the PC, an OLE automation controller that accessed an OLE server that provided access to CORBA objects was implemented. |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Compiler Used: | Labtech GNAT 3.01a/b |
Tools Used: | WIN32 SDK; OLE2 Viewer; WIN32 Ada95 Bindings; C++ |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-26 |
Lessons Learned:From: WAdaS 96 Proceedings - Technical Papers, pp. 43-54. The application was successful and made the customer very happy with Ada 95. The API works well, but needs a thicker binding to the API's. The current binding uses C-type names and of course, each one becomes a different Ada type. Unlike C, Ada 95 cares about the types. This requires a lot of type casting in calls to the API. It would also be nice if the API eliminated the need to worry about C-strings. |
This is a tool that is developed at the North Carolina A&T State University with the specific goal of supporting teaching of software engineering, and software reuse as well as other Ada related courses. It is constructed in an object-oriented/hierarchical classification structure and contains seven group components. By integrating an O-O programming approach with Ada 95, these components demonstrate many aspects of O-O development, Ada 95 features, and how it supports software reuse. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Training |
Tools Used: | ActivAda |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-25 |
Lessons Learned:From: Proceedings of the 10th Annual ASEET Symposium , 1996, pp.27-33. |
Orbix/Ada includes all the functionality presented in the CORBA 2.0 specification including IDL compiler, dynamic invocation interface, and InterORB interoperability protocol. Orbix supports numerous extensions to CORBA, to better enable the design and construction of advanced CORBA-based applications. Orbix for Windows provides a gateway between Microsoft's OLE 2.0 and CORBA via a specially enhanced IDL compiler that generates a complete program that acts as an OLE Automation Server, Orbix supports major platforms using multiple programming languages including Ada 95, C++, and Java. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Automated Test Equipment Avionics Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Logistics System Management Information System Process Control Robotics Simulation Weapons System |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Expert System Graphics/Animation/Image Processing Interactive Processing Multi-Media Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Host Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 HP-UX Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 95/NT |
Target Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 HP-UX Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix MS Windows 95/NT |
Compiler Used: | GNAT, Thomson |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Software Source: | Internally developed new packages: 100% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $2000000 Overall: $3000000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 85% In-house maintenance: 15% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1994-10-01 () Implementation Complete: 1996-10-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1996-10-01 () Project Complete: 1997-10-01 () |
Survey Date: | 1996-10-15 |
The results of this project include the completion of a validated implementation of Ada 95 tasking in GNAT, production of three new drafts of the proposed IEEE 1003.5b standard Ada binding for the POSIX Real-time and Threads extensions, and a partial prototype implementation of that binding. They also include development of a DWARF-based Ada Debugging capability for GNAT. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 2.02 |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-19 |
Lessons Learned:This is and ATIP funded by the AJPO through the U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM) Software Engineering Directorate, subcontracted through the Telos Corporation ( to FSU. The project succeeded in producing a correct implementation of Ada 95 tasking, including support for the Systems Programming and Real-Time Systems annexes, that is compatible with implementation over POSIX threads but also portable to other operating systems and even a bare machine. It is believed that this implementation is the most advanced OS-hosted Ada 95 tasking implementation to date, and that is the first to be validated. |
It is a multi-player, multi-tasking simulation written in MP/Ada for both military and commercial training applications for pilots. Created entirely with Ada tasking, it marked a new level of integration between real-time interaction and visual simulation. It interfaces with SGI's IRIS Performer(tm) database, demonstrating previously unseen capabilities for the visual simulation market. It was recently ported to Ada 95, proving the power of the object-oriented extensions of the language. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Simulation |
Compiler Used: | Not specified |
Tools Used: | MP/Ada |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-26 |
This project is for last year students at Uppsala University in Sweden. It is about using distributed Ada 95 for three tasks. The first is to build a tool for the GNAT compiler for distribution of Ada programs. The configuration tool is called GNATDIST. It was originally written by Laurent Pautet and is part of the GNU Ada Translator (GNAT) project. Armada aims at extending gnatdist to include all categorization pragmas and load balancing.. The second task is to enhance the existing communication subsystem GARLIC with functionality to run the UDP protocol. The objective is to evaluate high speed communication with ATM in a distributed (Ada/GNAT) system. The third task will be to implement a distributed simulator in cooperation with Sjoland & Thyselius Datakonsulter AB. The simulation will be performed using Adam, which is a simulation engine based on Ada 83. Since Adam is written in Ada 83, the project will utilize the Ada 95 support for distribution that is specified in Annex E of the Ada 95 Reference Manual, using GNAT for compilation purposes. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-30 |
The Real-Time Executive for Military Systems (RTEMS), a real-time operating system for embedded computer systems, Ada implementation has been implemented in Ada 95. |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-10 |
Lessons Learned:For information about RTEMS itself: |
This will replace an embedded compute, combine Eastern Test Range and Western Test Range software programs into one for both ranges, and replace the Operator's Console. It is a joint Range effort. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language |
Sector Used In: | Air Force |
Software Function: | Command and Control Process Control |
System Technologies: | High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations Minicomputers |
Host Operating System: | |
Target Operating System: | DEC Alpha OSF/1 |
Tools Used: | Rational Rose for Ada |
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Development Environment |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 0 Predicted: 100000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 80% Other: 20% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 15% Externally developed government packages (GOTS): 0% Internally developed new packages: 80% Internally developed reusable packages: 5% |
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $0 Overall: $5400000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% In-house maintenance: 0% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
System Development Techniques: | Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Integration Testing Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Prototyping Requirement Tracing (RT) Structured Analysis (SA) |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Booch Diagram Data Dictionary Data Flow Diagram Program Design Language/Pseudocode Ada 95 PDL |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1996-11-01 (Requirements) System Design: 1997-07-01 (Analysis/Design Complete) Implementation Complete: 1999-12-01 (Code/Debug) Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1999-12-01 (Testing Complete) Project Complete: 1900-03-01 (Installation Test Complete) |
System Development Standard: | DoD-STD-2167A |
Survey Date: | 1996-10-27 |
Lessons Learned:This is a joint effort at both Ranges. The division of labor given on Page 2 is for the Western Range, as is the system development standard given on this page. The system development standard for the Eastern Range is MIL-STD-498. |
As a step toward implementing operational software in Ada 95 many users want to prototype systems. This project focuses on the use of the functional language Haskell in prototyping complex software systems, with the overall goal of specifying and demonstrating the feasibility of advanced programming environments which support fully the vision of prototyping processes articulated by the ProtoTech community. One aspect of this approach is demonstration that Ada itself can be an effective prototyping language if the environment includes features such as a fast compiler, incremental adaptation of interfaces to minimize recompilation, a graphical view of the system architecture, and effective interoperability with other languages. |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Compiler Used: | AdaMagic |
Tools Used: | X-Windows; WindowsNT |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-14 |
Lessons Learned:This project resulting in the development and demonstration of AdaMagic. A graphical representation of compilation order dependencies and a graphic representation of class hierarchies in Ada 95 were demonstrated. The research confirms the hypothesis that Ada 95 itself is an excellent architecture description language, but that its power is only apparent when there is a tool that creates a graphical representation of the information contained in the Ada 95 source code. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Intelligence Logistics System Systems Software |
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Neural Network Real-Time Security |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Mainframes Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers |
Compiler Used: | CRAM |
Tools Used: | Java, CGI, Perl, Python |
Tool Types: | DBMS Development Environment Project Management |
Definition of SLOC: | All lines (includes commented lines) |
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 30000 Predicted: 50000 |
Language break down: | Ada: 30% Other: 50% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 28% Internally developed new packages: 30% Internally developed reusable packages: 50% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% In-house maintenance: 100% Outsource/contract development: 15% Outsource/contract maintenance: 10% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1997-02-03 (Anal) System Design: 1997-02-28 (Trans) |
System Development Standard: | None |
Survey Date: | 1997-04-15 |
Lessons Learned:The connecting with Java is excellent. |
Software to control a satellite for Earth observation. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency |
Software Function: | Avionics Command and Control |
System Technologies: | Graphics/Animation/Image Processing Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers |
Compiler Used: | Not defined yet. |
Tools Used: | Not defined yet. |
SemWeb provides a browser and editor to support the modeling and creation of Web sites. In addition, it provides Ada class libraries that define an application programming interface (API) for dynamically creating files in hypertext mark-up language (HTML) and other WWW languages and formats. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | Unknown |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. The project goal is to provide higher quality, semantic-based information and capabilities to WWW sites. This will increase users' cognitive understanding of the WWW by creating consistent and correct Web sites. Through the use of formal modeling (using semantic networks) and the generation of sites from these descriptions, the costs of maintaining a site are dramatically reduced. Also, through the use of Ada class libraries that generate HTML,and other WWW standard formats based on the semantic network representing a site, novel, large, and complex Web-based servers can be implemented reliably. Ada brings a significant advantage to site implementation. As the complexity and size of Web-based server software increases, the need for a strongly-typed, modular, object-oriented language grows. Ada's proven track record for safe, secure, and maintainable software systems makes it the language of choice for these applications. |
Implements the simulations. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Simulation |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Booch components |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-24 |
Lessons Learned:From SIGAda webpage /gnat_testimonial.html. |
This is derived from attempts to model the solar system in terms of the position and velocity of the planets, and then calculating the gravitational effect on each planet to determine each objects next position. This difficult problem, and an interest in strategic wargaming, led to attempting a model to underpin a strategic warfare simulation . Instead of controlling each resource, they are allocated to locations, given orders, and some other game mechanism determines results. This is inherently more amenable to a game based on discrete steps. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Simulation |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-11 |
This is a complete Ada 95 development system for DOS, 32-bit DOS extended, Win16, and Win32 applications development. It includes an optimizing Ada 95 compiler, development environment, linker, object librarian, a Win32 profiler, and resource editor. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | Not specified. |
Tools Used: | Not provided. |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-14 |
Lessons Learned:ATIP-P. The development system also includes: project based environment; network aware development system; development system utilizing symmetric multiprocessing; and, built-in deletion protection mechanism. The increased software reliability, quality, and maintainability allows the compiler to deliver increased developer productivity and superior code generation. These compilers boast faster compilation times than any other optimizing compiler, for any language. Fast compilation results in short edit-compile-test times, yielding a dramatic increase in productivity of programmers developing reliable, high-quality code, as good as that of the best compiler, for any language, on the supported platforms. |
Students will be learning and using Ada 95 as part of their course work in the Department of Computer Science. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed | ||
Software Function: | Management Information System Training | ||
System Technologies: | Database | ||
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers | ||
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations Minicomputers | ||
Host Operating System: | SunOS 4.X Sun Solaris 2.X | ||
Target Operating System: | SunOS 4.X Sun Solaris 2.X | ||
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Cost Estimating DBMS Lower CASE Project Management Quality Assurance Upper CASE | ||
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 3500Language break down: | Ada: 20% | Other: 80% |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model | ||
System Development Techniques: | Black Box/White Box Testing (BBWB) Data Modeling (DM) Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) Rapid Application Development (RAD) Requirement Tracing (RT) Structured Analysis (SA) | ||
Analysis & Design Methods: | Booch Diagram Data Dictionary Data Flow Diagram Program Design Language/Pseudocode Ada 95 PDL Other Languages PDL Program Structure Diagram/Schneiderman Diagram | ||
Survey Date: | 1996-09-23 |
Lessons Learned:Still trying to get PIE (Polymorphism Inheritence) issues resolved in Ada 95. Looking for a good data structures textbook showing how to implement PIE and aggregation. |
The project consisted in developing a framework of components which can be reused to specify and implement in Ada 95 any type exporting synchronisation or communication properties. |
Project Background: | Old system existed in different language |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Concurrent Systems |
System Technologies: | Formal Techniques |
Compiler Used: | Ada 95 GNAT |
Tools Used: | High Level Petri Nets |
Tool Types: | |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 20% Internally developed new packages: 60% Internally developed reusable packages: 20% |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 80% In-house maintenance: 20% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1993-10-01 () System Design: 1994-01-01 () Implementation Complete: (Still needs a few weeks.) Build, Release, or Version Delivery: (Within 2 months after ordering.) |
System Development Standard: | Other |
Survey Date: | 1997-03-24 |
Lessons Learned:The main aim of the project was to evaluate the ability of Ada 95 in supporting the development and operation of reusable components in the domain of concurrent systems. The result of this evaluation was very positive. |
This is a middleware product for rapidly developing object-oriented distributed systems in real-time using Ada 95. It makes simple interoperability between diverse computing environments a reality, linking large distributed networks worldwide through TRW's proven communications technology. Developers requiring mixed language code development within a single environment can take advantage of seamless interoperability between Ada 95 and C++. UNAS supports defining the architecture early in the lifecycle, assessing its soundness, and improving it without major impacts to cost and schedule. Its support environment facilitates the rapid evolution from prototype to operational design. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Software Function: | Communications/Telecommunications |
Compiler Used: | Rational Apex 2.0 |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-30 |
A binding to Tcl from Ada is described. The goal of this binding is to make scripting language features, such as associative arrays, regular expression matching, and execution of OS commands available to an Ada programmer and to allow a Tcl programmer to use Ada in place of C where needed. This binding exploits several new features of Ada 95 that make interfacing to C much cleaner and more direct than Ada 83. Plans for the immediate future are to finish implementation of Tcl command procedure examples; implement Ada version of TclTest.c; perform comprehensive testing of all subprograms in Ada/Tcl interface package. Additional plans include preparation of Ada interfaces for the Tk and TclX extensions and usage of protected types to access multiple interpreters and serialize calls to C code. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Systems Software |
System Technologies: | High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations |
Host Operating System: | SunOS 4.X |
Target Operating System: | SunOS 4.X |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Ada 95 PDL Other Languages PDL |
A student at the University of Alabama in Huntsville has created this electronic version of the game. It was written in Ada 95 and Java. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | AppletMagic |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-30 |
It aims to design and implement an orthogonal persistence in Ada 95 with the design goal for 1996 to implement pragma-based persistence with an Ada to Ada preprocessor, and either the GNAT Ada 95 compiler or the Intermetrics Ada 95 to Java/J-code compiler. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT or AppletMagic |
Survey Date: | 1996-09-06 |
Lessons Learned:This is a collaboration with Michael Oudshoorn of the University of Adelaide. It has generated three papers, the latest, "Beyond Ada 95: The Addition of Persistence and its Consequences", was given at Ada Europe '96. |
Computer based TMD interoperability test tool for testing geographically distributed tactical TMD hardware and software using realistic simulated environments. |
Contract Number: | DASG60-92-C-0038 | ||||||||||||||||
Project Background: | No previous system existed | ||||||||||||||||
Sector Used In: | Defense Agency | ||||||||||||||||
Software Function: | Automated Test Equipment Command and Control Communications/Telecommunications Intelligence Process Control Scientific Data Processing Simulation Weapons System | ||||||||||||||||
System Technologies: | Client/Server Database Graphics/Animation/Image Processing High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Real-Time Security | ||||||||||||||||
Host System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations | ||||||||||||||||
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers Workstations | ||||||||||||||||
Host Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix | ||||||||||||||||
Target Operating System: | Sun Solaris 2.X SGI Irix | ||||||||||||||||
Compiler Used: | Ada 3.0 Verdix | ||||||||||||||||
Tool Types: | Configuration Management Cost Estimating Requirement Traceability | ||||||||||||||||
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines | ||||||||||||||||
Total number of SLOC: | Completed: 102000 Predicted: 150000 | ||||||||||||||||
Language break down: | Ada: 98% Other: 2% | ||||||||||||||||
Estimated Program Cost: | To Date: $20000000Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 85% | In-house maintenance: 15% Outsource/contract development: 0% Outsource/contract maintenance: 0% Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test | Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model | System Development Techniques: | Event Modeling (EM) | Integration Testing Joint Application Development (JAD) Process Modeling (PM) Prototyping Rapid Application Development (RAD) Analysis & Design Methods: | Data Dictionary | Entity-Relationship Diagram Milestones: | Project Start: 1994-06-01 (Proof of principles) | System Design: 1995-08-01 (SRR/PDR) Implementation Complete: 1996-04-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1996-05-01 (Build 1) Project Complete: (Continuing builds aprroximately 1 per year) System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 | Survey Date: | 1996-10-04 | |
This project is developing an embedded computing system that will be used in the Swedish Odin satellite to handle onboard attitude-control functions in space. It has been space-tested, becoming the first 32-bit microprocessor in space using the Ada language. It acts as an Attitude Control and Determination Computer (ACDC). |
Compiler Used: | Saab Ericsson Space |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-17 |
Lessons Learned:The compiler was developed by Saab Ericsson Space and recognizes the full Ada 95 syntax. From: Tri-Ada '95 Conference Proceedings, pp. 158-165. |
Software for teaching German grammar to Danish high school students. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Education |
System Technologies: | Database Expert System |
Host System Hardware: | Workstations |
Target System Hardware: | Workstations |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Language break down: | Ada: 100% |
Software Source: | Internally developed new packages: 100% |
Estimated Program Cost: | Overall: $50000 |
Software Development Expenditure: | In-house development: 100% |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Code/Test |
Development Approach: | Classic Method/"Water Fall" Model |
Milestones: | Project Start: 1997-03-01 () Build, Release, or Version Delivery: 1997-08-01 () Project Complete: 1997-08-01 () |
System Development Standard: | None |
Survey Date: | 1997-07-02 |
USAFA's Astronautics Department is in the process of converting their computer problem-solving curricula to Ada 95. A full-time faculty member will be dedicated to the project. The primary focus will be to convert the astrodynamics software library to Ada 95. Faculty members will be trained in applying Ada 95. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Training |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04, Academic Ada 1.0 |
Tools Used: | Not specified. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-21 |
Lessons Learned:This is an Early Adopter project. The AJPO will provide training, hardware and software support to the Academy. |
The USMA Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Department at West Point is migrating from Pascal to Ada 95 in their ACM CS-1 equivalent freshman-level programming class, with a phase-in to Ada 95 in higher level courses to be accomplished over time. Eight faculty are involved in developing course materials for distribution on the academic LAN and WWW sites. Students will be working on PCs equipped with Windows for Workgroups, as well as a Unix environment. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Software Function: | Training |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.04, Academic Ada 1.0 |
Tools Used: | Not specified. |
Survey Date: | 1996-06-21 |
Lessons Learned:An Early Adopter project. The AJPO agreed to fund faculty Ada95 training and mentoring effort to assist with courseware development and implementation. The EECS School has a website at |
Project WOOP from the Vienna University of Technology is working on the scheduling problem for real-time systems. Theoretical results have been gathered. but an integral part of the project has been to implement a tool that would incorporate them. A key point has been the definition of discrete loops. Ada 95 has been chosen to serve as the vehicle for this new kind of loop. The WPP is a precompiler that translates discrete loops into semantically equivalent Ada 95 code. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | MATHEMATICA |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-27 |
Lessons Learned:WPP will be extended to support recursions and object oriented features in the future. |
Design, development, and deploy a simulation constructive system to support battalion through echelon above corps command and staff training. |
Project Background: | No previous system existed |
Sector Used In: | Army |
Compiler Used: | ObjectAda |
Tools Used: | StP, DOORS,Interleaf,MSOffice, other to be defined |
Definition of SLOC: | Non-commented, non-blank lines |
Language break down: | Ada: 95% Other: 5% |
Software Source: | Externally developed commercial packages (COTS): 10% Internally developed new packages: 75% Internally developed reusable packages: 15% |
Estimated Program Cost: | Overall: $155 |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Requirement |
Development Approach: | Spiral Method/"Fountain" Model |
System Development Standard: | Mil-STD-498 |
Survey Date: | 1997-08-07 |
Environment and Tool Showcase on the Internet in order to promote Ada 95. Anyone on the Internet can now access an Ada compiler. It is not necessary to down load a compiler or any other software. The WWW browser is the GUI to WebAda. |
Sector Used In: | Commercial |
Compiler Used: | GNAT 3.x |
Tools Used: | Netscape, BBEdit |
System Development Techniques: | Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOD) |
Survey Date: | 1996-07-18 |
Lessons Learned:This is an extremely small development effort leveraging the newest technologies, however I have not yet found any related to Ada that makes it difficult to use on the Internet. |
The company changed from FORTRAN and Pascal to Ada 83 in 1987. Now the developers are pushing to contain processing costs by moving some applications from their current 19 DEC VAXs to four PCs Some of these have been moved to DOS for Workgroups in Ada 95, with plans to transfer them to Windows NT. All of the upgrades are being done "on the fly" because the plant runs 24 hours a day. |
Project Background: | Modifications/upgrade of existing system |
Sector Used In: | Commercial Industry |
Software Function: | Command and Control Management Information System Process Control Systems Software Internal Applications |
System Technologies: | Batch Processing Client/Server Database High Reliability/Dependability Interactive Processing Real-Time |
Host System Hardware: | Mainframes Microcomputers |
Target System Hardware: | Microcomputers |
Host Operating System: | DEC VAX/VMS MS DOS MS Windows 3.X |
Target Operating System: | MS DOS MS Windows 3.X MS Windows 95/NT |
Compiler Used: | GNAT |
Tools Used: | Patchworks |
Tool Types: | Process Management Quality Assurance Internal applications |
Project Life-Cycle Status: | Integration/Test |
Analysis & Design Methods: | Ada 95 PDL |
These programs take Ada 95 source code, as well as Ada 83 and others, as input, and produce formatted listings in html. The provided scripts also produce alphabetical indexes of declarations, within each file set and for a set of files. They do not indent source code. |
Sector Used In: | Academia |
Tools Used: | Unix OS; Gnu make, flex, and gcc; awk from FSF. |
Survey Date: | 1996-08-26 |
Lessons Learned:As a development project, it still has some bugs associated with it. Different versions of software tools can cause unpredictable results. |